If the numbers are not repeated then the highest 5 digit even number to be made out of 0123456789 is : 98764.
the two prime numbers will be factors of that number, which would make that number a composite number
A prime number cannot have any number multiplied to make that number, except for one. example: 9 is not prime because 3 times 3 is 9.
Numbers cannot "make" another number prime. If you are looking for the prime factorization of 56, it is 23 * 7.
Prime Factorization is finding which prime numbers multiply together to make the original number.
If the numbers are not repeated then the highest 5 digit even number to be made out of 0123456789 is : 98764.
You cannot make any composite number prime number because prime only has 2 factors.
90 is not a prime number and you cannot make it one!
If it is composite, you can not make a number prime.
The American number system is called the Hindu Arabic system and is the numbers 0123456789
You cannot. By definition, a composite number is not prime and you cannot make it prime.
A composite number cannot be made into a prime number. The prime factorization of 56 is 2x2x2x7 or 23x7.