A decimal number is simply a way of representing a number in such a way that the place value of each digit is ten times that of the digit to its right. A decimal representation does not require a decimal point. So the required decimal representation is 3520, exactly as in the question.
1/12 as a decimal is 0.08'3' repeating '3'
A terminating decimal is a decimal number that ends, or terminates, after a certain number of decimal places. For example, 0.75 is a terminating decimal because it ends after two decimal places. A repeating decimal is a decimal number that has a repeating pattern of digits after the decimal point. For example, 0.333... is a repeating decimal because the digit 3 repeats infinitely.
Yes it is - 2 miles is equal to 3520 yards
There are 0.9144 metres in one yard. Therefore, rounded to two decimal places, 3520 metres is equal to 3520/0.9144 = 3849.52 yards.
There are 0.3048 metres in one foot. Therefore, 3520 feet is equal to 3520 x 0.3048 = 1072.896 metres.
10,560 feet is greater than 3520 inches. 10,560 feet is less than 3520 miles. 10,560 feet is equal to 3520 yards.
3520 km is 2,187.23 miles.
There are 2 miles in 3520 yards
That isn't enough feet to call it a mile,there are 5280 feet in a mile
3,520 yards is two miles.
?There are 1760 yards in one mile. Therefore, 3520 yards is equal to 3520/1760 = 2 miles.3520 yards = 2 miles
There are 3 feet in one yard. Therefore, 3520 feet is equal to 3520/3 = 1173.3 recurring (that is, 1173.3333...) yards.
The runner covered a total of 3520 yards (2 miles = 3520 yards).