1/12 is equal to 0.083333
2/24 cannot be written accurately as a decimal. Two twenty-fourths is equivalent to one twelfth which in decimal is 0.8333 recurring.
175,000.00 ÷ 12 = 14,583.33 to 2 decimal places.
One twelfth equals 8.3333333...% 100% / 12 = 8.3333...%
one and one twelfth 13/12
One twelfth as a decimal would be 1 / 12, or .08333333333333333 (the 3 is repeating, and so the answer you are probably looking for is .083)one twelth as a decimal = 0.83333
6.083333 repeating
0.083333 repeating
1.083one and one twelfth:= 1 1/12= 1 + (1 ÷ 12)= 1 + 0.083= 1.083
1/12 is equal to 0.083333
one twelfth = 1/12 . Divide the 1 by 12. = 0.083
2/24 cannot be written accurately as a decimal. Two twenty-fourths is equivalent to one twelfth which in decimal is 0.8333 recurring.
It goes in one twelfth of a time or 0.8333 recurring in decimal.
0.3333 repeating
1/12 = 0.0833... recurring.
It is 0.916 with the 6 repeating.
5 twelfths, or 5/12, is 0.416666 (repeating) in decimal form.