There are several different universal constants: Avogadro's number, Gas constant, Gravitational constant. The question needs to be more specific.
The answer depends on the value of E, which is not a universal constant.
G is called The universal gravitational constant because at any point of the universe the value of G is constant. G=6.67*10^-11 N m^2/kg^2...!!!!1
The value of universal gas constant in cgs is 1.985 calories per degree Celsius per mole
Sir. Isaac Newton discovered the formula with the universal gravitational constant.
According to the current understanding of gravity, the force of attraction between any two objects, anywhere in the universe depends on the gravitational constant. It is therefore, considered a universal constant.
The answer depends on the value of E, which is not a universal constant.
The value of the universal gas constant, denoted as R, is determined based on experimental measurements and is considered a fundamental physical constant in the field of thermodynamics. Its value is approximately 8.31 J/mol·K.
8.314 J/mol K
G is called The universal gravitational constant because at any point of the universe the value of G is constant. G=6.67*10^-11 N m^2/kg^2...!!!!1
8.314 jul/mol/kalvin
G is the universal gravitational constant. It is basically a conversion factor to adjust the number and units so they come out to the correct value. This is a universal constant so it is true everywhere.
In SI units, the gas constant has a value of approximately 8.314 J / (mol x kelvin).
of course. that's why it's called the universal gas constant.
The value of universal gas constant in cgs is 1.985 calories per degree Celsius per mole
G=6.67300 x 10-11 m3 kg-1s-2