The GCF of any two odd numbers is always odd. The GCF of any two even numbers is always even. The GCF of an odd and an even number is always odd.
NO!!!! Any number ending in 0,2,4,6,or 8 is an even number. 100,000 is an evewn number. 100,002 is an even number However, 100,001 is an odd number.
This scenario is impossible. An odd number added with an even number will always be odd. I don't think any number.
A positive number times a positive number is always positive. A negative number times a negative number is always positive. Therefore, any square number will be positive. Any number to the fourth power (a square times a square) will always be positive. And so on.
Yes, it is. Any whole number times an even number will be even. This is because whole numbers can be represented as the product of their prime factors. Every even number contains 2 as a prime factor (thereby excluding all even numbers above 2 from being prime.) Additionally, the product of any two numbers is equal to the product of their prime factors. This means that the result of multiplying an even number by a whole number will always have a prime factor of 2, making it an even number.
There are two possible answers: 4 and 9.
The length of any area can be any number you like - especially since the shape is not specified. But even if the space were specified (eg as a rectangle), you could always double the length and halve the width so that the area remained the same.
Any even number
No, always odd.
The GCF of an odd and even number is never even.
You divide it by 4. So 16 ÷ 4 = 4 Or you can halve it to get 8 and halve it again to get 4
The sum of an odd and even number is always odd because there's always one left over. Think of any odd number as being any even number plus one. If you add two even numbers, the answer is always even. If you add an even and an odd (plus one), the answer is always odd.
yes it can only be an even number
The sum of an odd and even number is always odd because there's always one left over. Think of any odd number as being any even number plus one. If you add two even numbers, the answer is always even. If you add an even and an odd (plus one), the answer is always odd.
No, the product will always be even.
The same results from multiplying by ANY even number - the answer will ALWAYS be even !