29 and 47 are prime numbers because they have only two factors which are themselves and one.
It is: 29+3 = 32
They are: 23, 29 and 31
23 29 31.
The prime numbers up to 32 are: 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29 and 31
14, 32, 55 and 64 are not prime numbers.
If you mean: 14 29 32 47 55 64 then 29 and 47 are prime numbers
29 and 47 are prime numbers because they have only two factors which are themselves and one.
It is: 29+3 = 32
How about: 3+29 = 32
32 is a composite number while 13, 19 and 29 are prime numbers
29 and 47 are prime.
Two prime numbers that have a sum of 32 could be 13 + 19 or 29 + 3.
29+3 = 32 and 29+7 = 36
They are: 23, 29 and 31
No, factors must be multiplied. The only prime factor of 32 is 2.
31 and 23 are prime numbers.