

Best Answer

-- Addition always does if both are positive.

-- Multiplication does if, for example, both are positive and greater than ' 1 '.

-- Exponentiation does if, for example, both the base and exponent are positive

and greater than ' 1 ' .

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Q: Which computation results in a number that is greater than the two given numbers?
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If you multiply two numbers, the result will be positive, if both factors are positive, or if both are negative. Multiplying a positive number by a negative number, or a negative number by a positive number, results in a negative result.For addition, if you add two positive numbers, the result is positive. If you add two negative numbers, the result is negative. If you add a positive and a negative number, the result depends on which of the numbers has the greater absolute value. For example, if the positive number has the greater absolute value (distance from zero), the result will be positive.If you multiply two numbers, the result will be positive, if both factors are positive, or if both are negative. Multiplying a positive number by a negative number, or a negative number by a positive number, results in a negative result.For addition, if you add two positive numbers, the result is positive. If you add two negative numbers, the result is negative. If you add a positive and a negative number, the result depends on which of the numbers has the greater absolute value. For example, if the positive number has the greater absolute value (distance from zero), the result will be positive.If you multiply two numbers, the result will be positive, if both factors are positive, or if both are negative. Multiplying a positive number by a negative number, or a negative number by a positive number, results in a negative result.For addition, if you add two positive numbers, the result is positive. If you add two negative numbers, the result is negative. If you add a positive and a negative number, the result depends on which of the numbers has the greater absolute value. For example, if the positive number has the greater absolute value (distance from zero), the result will be positive.If you multiply two numbers, the result will be positive, if both factors are positive, or if both are negative. Multiplying a positive number by a negative number, or a negative number by a positive number, results in a negative result.For addition, if you add two positive numbers, the result is positive. If you add two negative numbers, the result is negative. If you add a positive and a negative number, the result depends on which of the numbers has the greater absolute value. For example, if the positive number has the greater absolute value (distance from zero), the result will be positive.

On a number line which numbers are greater?

If the number line has negative numbers to the left of zero and positive numbers to the right then the further you go to the right, the greater the numbers become.

How can you use a number line to determine which of two numbers is greater?

The numbers to the right are always greater.

Is decimal number greater than a negative number?

Positive numbers are greater than negative numbers. Decimals can be either positive or negative.

What is the name for number that are greater than zero?

numbers greater than 0 are called positive numbers

How can you tell on a number line which numbers greater?

A number line is usually drawn in such a way that as you count,you move to the right along the number line.On a line drawn like that, greater numbers are farther to the right.(When you count, greater numbers come later.)

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I don't know how to "grate" a number ... numbers are not cheese. An infinite number of numbers are "greater" (larger) than 64. Likewise, an infinite number of numbers are not "greater" (in other words, less than) 64, starting with 63, 62, 61, ... Actually, there are an infinite numbers that are less than 64, but greater than 63, unless you specify "whole numbers".