0.845 has the greatest value, because the first digit after the decimal point, eight, has greater value than 3, 2, and 5. The first number after the decimal point determines the value of the number as opposed to other decimal numbers.
If you are talking about whole numbers, then it is 889. If it is a decimal value, then there is no answer.
the place value after a decimal point is tenths
decimal value for 0.0658 = ten thousandths
After the decimal point, the first place has the greatest value,and there's no such thing as the smallest one.Before the decimal point, the first place has the smallest value,and there's no such thing as the greatest one.
If you mean: 8.080 8.088 and 0.888 then it is 8.088 that has the greatest value
There is no limit.
There is none.
10 th place
0.845 has the greatest value, because the first digit after the decimal point, eight, has greater value than 3, 2, and 5. The first number after the decimal point determines the value of the number as opposed to other decimal numbers.
First of all we should look at the integer which is at the left side of decimal point and by comparing the integers we can find which is the greatest one. If integers on the left side of decimal point are same then we should compare the digits after the decimal point. Clearly, 3.5001 has the greatest value.
As there is no decimal point, it is "hiding" after the last digit, the 2 (which is in the ones column) The greatest place value column that is used is occupied by the 1 which is 5 to the left of the decimal point → the 1 is 1 × 10⁵⁻¹ = 1 × 10⁴ = 10,000 (ten thousand)
If you are talking about whole numbers, then it is 889. If it is a decimal value, then there is no answer.
It is difficult to say because they are set out too close together with no gaps to tell what is what.
least to greatest as in number value would be: 1.0011, 1.01, 1.11, 111. The more digits after a decimal the smaller the number usually.
the place value after a decimal point is tenths