Fractions can be used in the same way percentages are used. To declare a portion of something else through multiplication.Ex Half of an fractions1/2 * 80 = 40in Percents50% of 80 (0.50*80) = 40When the fraction is smaller than 1, you will get less than the full 80. (as in our example where we got 40). When the fraction is 1, then you get the full 80. When the fraction is more than one you get more than 80.There percentage equivalent would be a percentage less than 100 gives less than 80. A percentage of 100 gives the full 80. A percentage greater than 100 give more than 80.A fraction of 1 is the same as a percentage of 100 (100%). Both mean the same thing.So to answer your question, a fraction greater than 1 would mean that the equivalent percent is greater than 100%.
234 = 234/1 is a fraction which is greater than 1.
if the value above the line of the fraction is greater than or equal to the value below the lin, then the fraction is equal to or greater than 1 whole.
0.259 is a decimal. Some people would call it a decimal fraction. It is equivalent to a fraction. (259/100) Mixed numbers are greater than one.
It is not possible to tell.
Percent means out of 100. So a percentage can be written as a fraction over a denominator of 100. An improper fraction is when the numerator is greater than the denominator. ⇒ Any percentage greater than 100 % will have an improper fraction equivalent.
20, 25, 50, 100
Double the numerator. If the answer is greater than the denominator then the fraction is greater than half.Double the numerator. If the answer is greater than the denominator then the fraction is greater than half.Double the numerator. If the answer is greater than the denominator then the fraction is greater than half.Double the numerator. If the answer is greater than the denominator then the fraction is greater than half.
8.3 is greater than 8.12. The .3 = the fraction 30/100, where the .12 only equals 12/100.
463/100 (which we know can not be simplified as 463 is a prime number that is greater than the denominator of 100).
A value can be stated as a percent or a fraction. Improper fractions will be greater than 100 percent.
No 44/100 is greater written as a no fraction 44/100=0.44 while 4/10= 0.4
Fractions can be used in the same way percentages are used. To declare a portion of something else through multiplication.Ex Half of an fractions1/2 * 80 = 40in Percents50% of 80 (0.50*80) = 40When the fraction is smaller than 1, you will get less than the full 80. (as in our example where we got 40). When the fraction is 1, then you get the full 80. When the fraction is more than one you get more than 80.There percentage equivalent would be a percentage less than 100 gives less than 80. A percentage of 100 gives the full 80. A percentage greater than 100 give more than 80.A fraction of 1 is the same as a percentage of 100 (100%). Both mean the same thing.So to answer your question, a fraction greater than 1 would mean that the equivalent percent is greater than 100%.
Improper fraction is greater than a proper fraction.
3.25 is greater than 35% because 35% is only a fraction of 100% and 100% would equal a whole number which is one (1). So therefore, 3.25= 325% which is greater than 35%.
80.1 is a [decimal] fraction number which is greater than 80.