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The answer depends on what the number 0.45 refers to: radius, diameter or area?

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Q: Who do you find Circumference of 0.45 use 3.14 and round to the nearest hundredth?
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How do you find the area of a circle to the nearest hundredth?

If you have the radius, then area = pi*r2 which you then round to the nearest hundredth. If you do not know the radius but do know the diameter or circumference, you can calculate the radius. Otherwise you need to measure it.

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Circumference = pi * 2 * r C = 3.14 * 2 * 47 = 295.16

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For circumference, multiply the diameter by pi and round the product to the second decimal place. For area, multiply the square of the radius by pi and round the product to the second decimal place.

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You find the hundredth place then look at the number behind it. If its greater than 5, round up. If not, round down

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16.6 x pi = 52.15 to the nearest hundredth

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Round your answer to two decimal places. Example: Your calculator's answer is 2.133334442 You round to: 2.13

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to find the raduis of any circle, divde the diameter by 2. in this case, the answer would be 3.50

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If the radius is 6 units, the diameter is 12. To find the circumference, you multiply the diameter by pi to get 12pi or 37.699, which rounds up to 37.70.

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