E 6969
They are called prime numbers.
This set of numbers is called "Whole Numbers".
They are called prime numbers.
Numbers that are greater than zero are positive numbers.
Letter e with numbers denotes exponential figure.
They are called just that: "consecutive numbers".They are called just that: "consecutive numbers".They are called just that: "consecutive numbers".They are called just that: "consecutive numbers".
Those are called "even numbers".Those are called "even numbers".Those are called "even numbers".Those are called "even numbers".
What are E numbers use for.... E.g E160,E104,E122,E621. What are these numbers E160,E104,E122,E621.
E 6969
The "E" prefix stands for "Europe".
E numbers are food additives. The 'E' stands for European, as this is a standard set in Europe throughout the European Union.
In food / everywhere. Lots of E numbers occur naturally, in plants and other substances.
E123 e457 e977 ----- These E numbers are not for proteins; I don't know proteins with an E number.
what types of e numbers are there?
Numbers that are not prime numbers are called composite numbers.