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Hes cheating on you trust me that happen to me before

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Q: Why did my boyfriend ask your friend for her number if he dont even have your number?
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How do you tell your boyfriend that you lost a bet with his best friend and you have to have sex with him?

you tell him its a threesom and that you will reword him later dont get pregnant with a boy u dont even like unless ur drunk

Is it wrong to cheat on your boyfriend with your best friend's boyfriend?

AnswerYes! That is so wrong unless you break up with your boyfriend and your friend's boyfriend breaks up with her first. Even then, it is a mean thing to do to a friend since you'd be dating her ex.Some would even argue dating a friend's ex is a mean thing to, even if you never participated in cheating.

What to do if you are cheating on your boyfriend?

You dont love him. You are a bad friend. Indeed even in your marriege you will cheat on your husband. Its a bad habit just like heroin. Stop it.

Are you wrong to hurt the girl who is taking your boyfriend?

yes even if she took your boyfriend it is his decission if he wants to go along with it if she is a real friend she would do the wright thing but if u dont know her its not worth getting involved just have a word with him

You like you friend but she has a boyfriend and she says she only likes you as a friend but gets jealous when you're with another girl?

she wants you to still be in love with her, even if she has a boyfriend.

What if your boyfriend won't say he loves you?

It depends no what your definition of 'bf' is. 'Bf' could be best friend or boyfriend. If it is your best friend, then its because he doesn't really love you. If its your boyfriend, then he's not really your boyfriend, is he? If your boyfriend doesn't say he loves you or even admits to it, he's not really your boyfriend.

Does jack harries have a girl friend?

i dont know i even dont know him

Should you tell your best friend that you like her even if she has a boyfriend?

definitely be true!

Should you get along with your best friends boyfriend even if you dont like them?

Yes. Even if you don't like them, do not pick fights or tease them. If they try to start a fight with you, simply leave or tell them to cut it out. However, if they are abusing you at all, you should tell your friend. If your friend doesn't listen, avoid hanging out with her when you know her boyfriend is coming. If this continues, tell an adult. Don't complain about it to your friend, it will make her feel bad. If her boyfriend doesn't know you don't like him, just try and keep it neutral. If anything, avoid starting drama.

What can you do if your boyfriend does not like your best friend?

You have to decide ... best friend or boyfriend? I say 'mates before dates' because your best friend is the one who is always there for you. Even if you break up with your boyfriend, your best friend will still be there to tell you 'it's alright'. So, if your boyfriend doesn't like your best friend ... tell him to get over it, because they are important to you so he should at least put up with them.

If you and your friend are talking about something and she tells her boyfriend even though its about the boyfriend but its not his business should she tell him anyways?

if it's none of the boyfriend's business you should not of told him

What if you like your boyfriends friend and he likes you 2?

if you really like this guy, even though he is your boyfriends best friend, you have to let you r boyfriend go. if you like him more then your boyfriend, its ok.