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A byte is 8 binary bits, each of which hold a value of 0 or 1 (true or false). When counting in binary, a value of 11111111 is the highest value a byte can hold, this is 255. It doesn't matter what programming language is assigning a value to the byte, the highest it can hold is 255.

A 'signed' byte uses one bit for the sign, and 7 for the value. Hence 7 bits can show values of up to 128 either side. That's a positive value of 1-127, along with the 0, and then negative values of -1 to -128. Again, regardless of the system assigning the value, 8 bits can only produce 255 different combinations.

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Q: Why does a java byte variable only hold a minimum value of -128 and a maximum value of 127. I dont get why only those range of 3 digits. Its just holding 3 characters really. Why not hold AB2?
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What is the difference between minimum and maximum numbers?

the rang ( of the rang ) the difference between the maximum and minimum values in a data set.

What is the number that represents the variable in-7 x greater than or equal to 18?

The number that represents the variable in-7 x greater than or equal to 18 can be a lot of numbers . In -7x x is the variable and its minimum value to make it greater than 18 is -3 . -7 * -3 = 21 which is greater than 18.

How do you use constants in php?

Constants are simple pieces of data which cannot be changed during PHP script execution. It is useful for storing data which should remain unchanged, like a maximum or minimum value of a variable, etc.Before first use, constant should be defined: ...define("MY_MAX_VALUE", 505);... After this, you can use it:...if ($my_variable < MY_MAX_VALUE){... (some code here)}...

What is the meaning of minimum of 5 characters?

It means that you need a word that has at least 5 letters, numbers, symbols, etc.

How could you use Descartes' rule to predict the number of complex roots to a polynomial?

Descartes' rule of signs will not necessarily tell exact number of complex roots, but will give an idea. The Wikipedia article explains it pretty well, but here is a brief explanation:It is for single variable polynomials.Order the polynomial in descending powers [example: f(x) = ax&Acirc;&sup3; + bx&Acirc;&sup2; + cx + d]Count number of sign changes between consecutive coefficients. This is the maximum possible real positive roots.Let function g(x) = f(-x), count number of sign changes, which is maximum number of real negative roots.Note these are maximums, not the actual numbers. Let p = positive maximum and q = negative maximum. Let m be the order (maximum power of the variable), which is also the total number of roots.So m - p - q = minimum number of complex roots. Note complex roots always occur in pairs, so number of complex roots will be {0, 2, 4, etc}.

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