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It isn't really that important, it just makes the problem solving easier and gives you less of a chance of making a mistake.

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6y ago

It is the same reason that when adding whole numbers, they are all aligned to the right. It is so that columns of numbers are aligned according to their place value.

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Q: Why is it important to line up decimal numbers by their place value when you add or subtract them?
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Explain why it is important to line up decimal numbers by their place value when you add or subtract them?

explain why it is important to line up decimal numbers by their place value when you add or subtract them

How do you subtract bigger numbers from smaller numbers?

you subtract by lining your numbers and start from the ones place and continue going to the left

When adding or subtracting decimal how can you be sure to add or subtract only digits that have the same place value?

The simplest way is to line up the numbers so that their decimal points are aligned, and corresponding digits are also aligned according to their place value.

How do you do add and subtract decimals?

How To Add/Subtract DecimalsTo add decimals you HAVE TO LINE UP THE DECIMAL POINTS and then add the numbers up (Tip: when your first starting if the decimals don't go to the same place value you can add as may zeros at the END of the decimal. This does NOT change the place value)After you have added up the digits you "drop" the decimal point down.Example 105.43+23.4=?105.43+23.40-----------128.83To subtract decimals it's the same thing as adding YOU MUST LINE UP THE DECIMALS. You would subtract as you normally would.You would then "drop" down the decimal point.Example 109.783-43.39=?109.783-43.390----------66.393

130.40 - 129.60 equals?


What is a decimal number?

A decimal number is one way of representing numbers where each place for a digit has a place value that is ten times that of the place to its right. Most all the numbers that you familiar with (judging from your question) will be decimal numbers. A decimal number need not be a [decimal] fraction.

Are natural numbers are decimal numbers?

Almost all numbers that we use in daily life are decimal numbers. The place value of each digit is ten times the place value of the digit to its right. And that is all that is required of decimal numbers. A decimal point is not necessary.

What is 6 meters - 0.03 meters?

This is equation is true for anything, meters, gallons or inches: 6 subtract 0.03 is same as 6.00 -(subtract) 0.03 = 5.97 It helps to write the numbers with the same number of decimals by adding extra "0" after the decimal place.

How does a place value chart help you add and subtract decimals?

Place Value Charts help you because they put the decimal in the right place.

When adding or subtracting decimals how can you be sure to add or subtract only digits that have the same place value?

The simplest way is to line up the numbers so that their decimal points are aligned, and corresponding digits are also aligned according to their place value.

What is a sentence for decimal place?

It is important to have the decimal place in the correct position when doing calculations manually.

How do you find the sum of decimal numbers?

You align their decimal points. Sum the numbers as normal and, in the answer, place the decimal point so that it lines up with those of the summands.