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Because the number of digits after the decimal place in a product does not require that.

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Q: Why is it not necessary to line up the decimal point when multiplying two numbers?
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Why does multiplying numbers by ten move the decimal point to the right?

why does multiplying numbers by ten move the decimal point to the right

How is multiplying a decimal by a whole number the same as multiplying 2 whole numbers?

It is not. When multiplying two whole numbers you need not be concerned about placing the decimal point in the answer.

Do you move the decimal point to the left when multiplying numbers?

You don't move the decimal point at all. You just multiply the numbers and the point should sort itself out or be put of how many digits it is to be.

How do you multiply a whole number by a decimal in the hundreths?

When multiplying a whole number by a decimal with two places, ignore the decimal point and multiply as if you were multiplying two whole numbers. After you get the answer, re-insert the decimal point so that the product has two decimal places.

What is the difference between multiplying decimals and multiplying whole numbers?

You do the multiplication in exactly the same way. The only extra thing is that when multiplying decimals, you need to place the decimal point (or decimal comma - depending on your country) in the correct position. If one number has, for example, 3 digits after the decimal point, and the other 4, you need to place the decimal point in the result (BEFORE eliminating unnecessary zeros) in such a way that there are, in this example, 7 digits (3 + 4) to the right of the decimal point.

Explain how to multiply a whole number by a decimal in the hundredths?

When multiplying a whole number by a decimal with two places, ignore the decimal point and multiply as if you were multiplying two whole numbers. After you get the answer, re-insert the decimal point so that the product has two decimal places.

How do you know where to put the decimal when multiplying decimals?

If two decimal numbers have x and y digits after the decimal point respectively, then their product has (x + y) digits after the decimal point.

What are methods that can be used to determine where to put the decimal point when multiplying?

move the decimal down and over however many numbers are behind the decimal

What is the last step for multiplying decimal numbers?

To multiply decimal numbers, the decimal point is ignored and the multiplication is done as though they were (large) integers. The last step is to put the decimal point into the answer by ensuring the same number of digits follow it as were following the decimal points in the numbers multiplied together; trailing zeros can be removed at this point.

Why does multiplying numbers by 10 move the decimal point to the right but multiplying by .10 move the decimal point to the let?


How do you multiply a decimal with whole and part of a whole number?

Example of multiplying whole decimal numbers: 2.37 × 3.56 = 8.4372 Remove the decimal point and multiply as for whole numbers: 237 × 356 = 84372 Then add the decimal point, thus : 8.4372

How do you align decimals when multiplying?

You do not need to align decimal points when multipylng. You multiply the two numbers ignoring the decimal point but ensuring that any trailins 0s are present. The number of digits after the decimal point in the answer is the sum of the number of digits after the decimal points in the two multiplicands.