

Best Answer

There are fewer prime numbers than odd numbers. Adjust your preference accordingly.

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Q: Would your prefer your teacher to assign the odd number problem or the prime number problems for homework and why?
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Related questions

What is a sentence with the word assign?

The teacher will assign homework to the students.

Can teachers assign homework after the bell?

Yes if they had no time before. You are not allowed to leave until the teacher dismisses you.

Why don't we have more homework?

Homework is to practice the material and help you learn more. If the teacher feels you're doing well, they might not assign as much work.

Why did the teacher assign extra homework when she taught adolescent?

she was trying to add a lesson

Should you assign homework?

I'm still in school, but yes you should assign homework. Even though most people hate it, including me, homework is extra practice. So that way, if you need help, the teacher can see or help you. Plus, it seperates the people who actually pay attention to the slackers.

Why did the teacher assign extra homework when she taught adolscents?

she was trying to add a lesson no spaces

What effect does smiling have on teacher giving no homework?

Smiling is nice, but if you need practice to learn the material, it's not going to magically make you not need homework. The teacher is going to assign what is needed to help you learn.

What does the idiom saved by the bell mean?

It means that you were about to get fussed at, or have to confess something, but you were interrupted just in time. The image is of the school bell ringing to interrupt the teacher about to assign homework.

What effect does smiling have on teacher giving homework?

Smiling is nice, but if you need practice to learn the material, it's not going to magically make you not need homework. The teacher is going to assign what is needed to help you learn.

Why do fifth grade teachers give ridiculous homework?

Most elementary teachers assign a reasonable level of homework based on their students' level. Sometimes, students have been "spoiled" by prior teachers not assigning enough homework. Other times, a particular student may not quite be on grade level, and may struggle with the appropriate amount of homework. On rare occasions, a teacher may mistakenly assign more than their students can handle. In this case, a group of parents should approach the teacher about unrealistic expectations. If this is unsuccessful, the parents should go to the principal.

Why do teachers assign so much homework?

Teachers assign homework to reinforce learning, allow students to practice and apply what they've learned, and to help students develop discipline, time management, and study skills. Homework also serves as a way for teachers to gauge understanding and provide additional practice and feedback.

What is a sentence with the word dispute?

I dispute the need for me to do your home work. I really find it difficult to dispute your response. The resolution is still in dispute. Do you dispute the teacher's right to assign homework?