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circle boat

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Q: What boat will hold more pennies?
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How many pennies can fit in a aluminum foil boat until it sinks?

The number of pennies that can fit in an aluminum foil boat before it sinks will depend on the size and shape of the boat, as well as the weight distribution of the pennies. Experimentation would be needed to determine the exact number in each specific case.

Can you hold more pumpkins or more pennies?

Pennies...unless your pumpkins are the size of dimes.

How many pennies can a tin foil boat carry?

The number of pennies a tin foil boat can carry will vary depending on the size of the boat, the thickness of the tin foil, and how well it is constructed. On average, a small tin foil boat can typically hold a few dozen pennies before sinking.

How much weight can a boat hold before sinking?

The answer is simple, the amount of weight a boat can hold depends on how big your boat is the bigger the boat the more water it displaces the more weight it can hold.

What is the best shape for an aluminum boat that holds the most amount of pennies whilst staying buoyant?

I would think a canoe or a cruise boat because a canoe can keep level while a triangle or other shapes might tip over due to unbalance. However a cruise-ship is deep and would hold more pennies.

What is the best design for an aluminum foil boat to hold pennies?

A design with a wide base and tall walls is desirable for an aluminum foil boat. You want enough surface area supporting the pennies so they will keep floating and to not compromise that for wall height to keep water from enter your vessel.

How many pennies can a paper bridge hold?

35 pennies

Does a rectangle foil boat hold more weight that a circle or triangle boat and why?

a circle boat, because circles have a larger area

What allows a aluminum boat to float with pennies in it?

An aluminum boat floats due to its hull displacing water, creating buoyant force greater than its weight. By adding pennies, the weight increases, but as long as the buoyant force generated by displacing water is greater than the total weight (boat + pennies), the boat will continue to float.

How much money in pennies will a half gallon milk jug hold?

A half gallon jug can hold about $25.00 in pennies. (:

How many pennies is the most a wet paper towel can hold?

The number of pennies a wet paper towel can hold varies depending on its size and absorbency, but on average, a wet paper towel can hold around 30-40 pennies.

How many pennies can a paper towel hold?

AnswerA paper towel can hold as many as 900 pennies and 2 weights before it breaks.