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35 pennies

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Q: How many pennies can a paper bridge hold?
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How many pennies can a paper towel hold?

AnswerA paper towel can hold as many as 900 pennies and 2 weights before it breaks.

How many pennies is the most a wet paper towel can hold?

The number of pennies a wet paper towel can hold varies depending on its size and absorbency, but on average, a wet paper towel can hold around 30-40 pennies.

How many pennies can a wet paper towel hold?

A wet paper towel can hold a few pennies, usually less than 10, depending on its size and how wet it is. The water adds some strength to the paper towel, but it can still tear easily if too many pennies are placed on it.

How many pennies can a wet paper towel?

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if you build an arch bridge it can hold more weight then anyother type of toothpick bridge and can hold about 20lbs (if made well) another good type of bridge is the truss bridge it is just as strong as the arch bridge but it has diffrent structures.

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How many gallon jugs would it take to hold a million pennies?

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How many pounds can a arch bridge hold?

The weight capacity of an arch bridge depends on several factors, including the materials used, the design of the arch, and the span of the bridge. Generally, arch bridges can support a wide range of loads, from a few tons to several thousand tons. For example, the famous Pont du Gard aqueduct in France, which is an ancient Roman arch bridge, was designed to carry an estimated 40,000-60,000 tons of water. Ultimately, the weight capacity of an arch bridge is determined by engineering calculations and structural analysis.