As long as you can put it into some liquid, very easily. Just measure the volume of the liquid before and after you put the shape in.
Some 3D shapes are cones, cubes, pyramids, and cylinders.
Shapes such as circles, regular pentagons, and heptagons.Most regular polygons will not tessellate on their own. Only triangles, squares and hexagons will.With irregular polygons there is more of a choice. All isosceles or scalene triangles, parallelograms, trapeziums and kites will tessellate as will some higher order polygons.
A shape is an object with a specific number of sides. Some examples of shapes include circles, squares, triangles, pentagons, and hexagons.
They can tesselate - provided they are the correct shapes.
There are decagonal shapes which will tessellate the plane.
Any regular polygon with 5, 7 or more sides.
All triangles can tessellate.
Yes they do tessellate
Yes all quadrilaterals can tessellate
noX YES! They CAN tessellate! Triangles, squares, and hexagons are the only shapes that can tessellate by themselves! So yes, squares can tesselate!
Yes, all trapezoids will tessellate.
Yes, rectangles tesselate. A tessellation is a tiling pattern.