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The answer above is incorrect. it was proven hundreds of years ago that regular pentagons do NOT tessellate. there are methods for tessellating pentagons, but they are not regularpentagons.

yes the answer in the middle is write polygons can not tessellate

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No regular petagons do NOT tessalate

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Q: Can regular pentagon tessellate by themselves?
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How can you tell if a regular shape will tessellate?

It will tessellate if its vertices divide into 360 degrees evenly. The only regular polygons that will tessellate are an equilateral triangle, a square and a regular hexagon. There are other, non-regular, polygons that will tessellate.

What shapes do not tessellate?

Shapes such as circles, regular pentagons, and heptagons.Most regular polygons will not tessellate on their own. Only triangles, squares and hexagons will.With irregular polygons there is more of a choice. All isosceles or scalene triangles, parallelograms, trapeziums and kites will tessellate as will some higher order polygons.

What shape can tessellate with a regular pentagon?

hexagons work because each angle is 120 degress, as you say, and 3 times 120 equals 360 degrees. So three hexagons will surround a point with no 'space" left over. but the interior angle of a pentagon is108 degrees. three pentagons together only fill up 3 time 108, or 324 degrees. There is space left over. But four pentagons would overlap. so 3 is not enough and 4 is too many. Pentagons cannot surround a point the way hexagons do.

Why can't some shapes tessellate?

A "tessellation" (also called a "tiling") of a plane region is a covering of that 2-dimensional region using shapes that don't overlap and don't leave any gaps uncovered. Typically, we are interested in trying to use shapes that are congruent (all the same size and shape) regular polygons (the angles and sides of each polygon are the same), such as an equilateral triangle, a square, a regular pentagon, etc. This is called a "regular tessellation". It has been shown that the only regular polygons that tessellate are equilateral triangles, squares, and hexagons. So for example, a regular pentagon can't be used to tile a floor, because the angles don't match up as needed and will leave gaps on the floor that would need a different shape to fill them in. Consider, for example, a regular octagon. Each interior angle is 135o. So if you put two octagons next to each other, sharing a common side, then the two interior angles would combine to be 270o. But that leaves only another 90o of the full 360o at the point the two edges meet and need another shape to complete the tiling, which is not enough room to squeeze in another octagon that would take up 135o. The 90o does allow enough room for a square, however, and in fact octagons and squares can be combined to tile a floor in what is called a "semiregular tessellation" (using more than one shape).

Does a kite tessellate?

No, a kite does not tessellate. In geometry, tessellation refers to the repeated use of one or more shapes to completely fill a surface without any gaps or overlaps. A kite shape has two pairs of adjacent sides that are equal in length but do not meet at right angles, making it impossible to tessellate without leaving gaps between the shapes.

Related questions

What shape can't you tessellate?

A regular pentagon will not tessellate.

Will a regular pentagon tessellate?


Will a regular pentagon and rectangle tessellate?


Which regular polygon will not tessellate by itself?

A regular pentagon

Why doesn't the regular pentagon tessellate?

A regular pentagon doesn't tessellate because of the way the sides are joined together and hes shape of the regular pentagon.Something along those lines anyway.....

Can a square and a pentagon tessellate?

No, a square and a pentagon cannot tessellate together. In order for two shapes to tessellate, their angles must add up to a multiple of 360 degrees. A square has angles of 90 degrees, while a regular pentagon has angles of 108 degrees. Since 90 and 108 do not add up to a multiple of 360, these shapes cannot tessellate together.

You cannot tessellate five-sided regular polygons by themselves?

Mostly true - you cannot tessellate only regular pentagons in two dimensions, since you cannot sum up the intersection of the angles to 360 degrees. If you tessellate a regular pentagon in three dimensions, you end up with a dodecahedron.

Can a regular pentagon tessellate without overlaps or gaps?

the answer is yes

Can a regular pentagon tessellate by it self?

no. only irregular pentalgons can tesselate

Does a regular pentagon tessellate a plane with no overlaps or gaps?

yes no yes no

Do Congruent regular pentagon's tessellate a plane?

No because the angles are not factors of 360 degrees

Can you tessellate a triangle and a pentagon together?

yes you can tessellate a triangle and a pentagon together.