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Q: How Is Calculus Used in Engineering?
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Use of calculus?

Calculus was created to prove physics which defines the laws of nature.

What is application of vector calculus in engineering?

It is used to position an object in3D

Why vector calculus are used in mechanical engineering?

Mechanical engineering usually deals with forces and their effects on materials. Forces are vectors and so, to study their effects you need to use vector calculus.

Example of differential calculus being used in real engineering?

hopefully never...

How is math used in robotic engineering?

These are the general math courses in an undergraduate program of Mechanical Engineering. Actually, these are also the math courses required in ANY undergraduate Engineering curriculum: Algebra Trigonometry Analytic Geometry Differential Calculus Integral Calculus Mutivariable Calculus Differential Equations

How maths is used in robotics?

These are the general math courses in an undergraduate program of Mechanical Engineering. Actually, these are also the math courses required in ANY undergraduate Engineering curriculum: Algebra Trigonometry Analytic Geometry Differential Calculus Integral Calculus Mutivariable Calculus Differential Equations

What are the engineering applications of vector calculus?

in which field vector calculus is applied deeply

What is the difference between Newton and Leibniz calculus?

The difference between Leibniz calculus to Newton calculus was that Leibniz developed Newton's calculus into the calculus we all know today. For instance, diffentiation and intergration, limits, continuity, etc. This type of calculus was the pure mathematics. On the otherhand, the calculus which Newton found was that used in physics, such as speed and velocity which helped with physics greatly. Today, calculus not only used in just mathematics or physics, but used in finance, as well as exploited in engineering.

Application of mathematics in engineering field?


Applications of vector calculus in electrical engineering?

Vector calculus is applied in electrical engineering especially with the use of electromagnetics. It is also applied in fluid dynamics, as well as statics.

How is calculus used?

Calculus is used a lot in business decisions. I am a Business Administration major. An examples is the break-even point in calculus. You need to know how to do this in business so you know how much of a product that you need to sell in order to cover your cost. Hope this helps some. +++ That is just one field, but Calculus is used in a huge range of scientific and engineering problems.

Why should you study calculus?

Because calculus is lots of fun! Also because it is useful in science and engineering.