You add the number of streams that branch off the main stream which is the first order then you add the number of streams branching off that stream whih becomes the 2nd order and the sum of the no. of stream orders divided by the number of streams gives the bifurcation ratio.
Bifurcation Ratio (Rb) = ΣN / ΣN + 1 ΣN = Total number of stream of a particular order. ΣN + 1 = Total number of stream of a next higher order.
The ratio of output force to input force.
If the ratio is 1 to 2024, than the answer is simply 1/2024. However, if the ratio is 20 to 24 than the answer is 5/6.
how do you calculate the rate of osmosis
You add the number of streams that branch off the main stream which is the first order then you add the number of streams branching off that stream whih becomes the 2nd order and the sum of the no. of stream orders divided by the number of streams gives the bifurcation ratio.
There is no such thing as "difurcation". Please check the spelling, and ask another question, clarifying whether you mean "bifurcation", "difraction", or perhaps something entirely different.
Bifurcation Ratio (Rb) = ΣN / ΣN + 1 ΣN = Total number of stream of a particular order. ΣN + 1 = Total number of stream of a next higher order.
Rb1 = 9/3 Rb2 = 3/1
Formula to calculate the ratio
what quadrant is the bifurcation of the abdominal aorta in
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The right coronary artery doesnot have a primary bifurcation.
No. It can be but need not be. For example, you might calculate the ratio of today's temperature in Celsius and in Fahrenheit and calculate the ratio. That is not a rate.
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I think this word is bifurcation .Bifurcation means the splitting of a main body into two parts.