It is often a ratio.
my dick will answer
The higher the ratio, the faster the rate of diffusion
The second term in the ratio is 1.
yes because a ratio is a rate so a rate would have to be a ratio
It is often a ratio.
A percent is a ratio, or rate, that compares a number to100
my dick will answer
The higher the ratio, the faster the rate of diffusion
The surface area to volume ratio of a cell affects the rate of diffusion in that the higher the ratio, the faster the rate of diffusion. This is a directly proportional relationship.
Ratio. It has a true zero.
A unit rate is a ratio: it does not have a solution!
The second term in the ratio is 1.
When the second element of the ratio is 1.
the ratio of the distillate mass flow rate to the mass flow rate of the steam used
The Gap Ratio is the difference in Rate sensitive Liabilities and Rate sensitive Assets.For Example, If a Bank has $2 Million in Rate sensitive liabilities and $3 Million in Rate sensitive assets, Then its Gap Ratio is 1.5, ($3 Million/$2 Million)