Divide the area by pi then square root your answer which will give the radius of the circle and use 2*pi*radius to find the circumference.
You cant find the area of the throat because the throat is 3-D and the area is only for 2-D measurements
You would have to round since area will not be able to be represented without rounding.
The maximum area is 625 m². The maximum area can be found using a system of equations with two unknowns. By expressing the Area equation with only a single variable, the area is maximized wherever the first derivative of the equation is equal to zero. We find that the area is maximized when the two opposite sides of the barn are set to 25 m. Therefore, every side mesures 25 m and the maximum area is 625 m².
i havent found yet will lwt u know later ..
how to find the perimeter of a right angled triangle using the area
The area of a right-angled triangle with base 8 cm and hypotenuse 10 cm is: 24 cm2
Multiply the area by two then divide by the height - assuming that it is a right angled triangle.
For all triangles, right-angled included, it is the multiplication of the base length times the perpendicular height x half. Algebraically A = 0.5bh For a right-angled triangle it is the base length times to length of right angled (perpendicular) line times one half.
Knowing just the length of the base you can not work out the area. You need the height and the base or the length of the hypotenuse in order to work out the area.
Sketch a net of the prism and and work out the area of each individual piece and then add them together
1/2 ( a + b) x h
You cannot: there is not enough information to do so.
A trapezium is a quadrilateral (has four sides). Two sides are parellel, but the other two are not. To find the area of it, the formula is: 1/2 h(a+b)
The area of a right angled triangle would be .5 * length *width where the length is the height of the triangle. To find the height of the triangle, take the sine of 45 degrees, which is the degree of the angles other than the 90 degrees, and multiply it by the length of one of the two equal sides. The width of the triangle is the length of the bottom side.
A trapezium has a pair of parallel sides of different lengths so in order to find its 2nd parallel side the information given must include its height.