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You cannot!!!!!

A Square is a plain 2-dimensional figure.

A 3-dimensional object is a Cube.

The AREA of a square is length x length = length squared

The VOLUME of a Cube is length x length x length = length cubed.

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13y ago

Since a square is a 2 dimensional object, it does not have a volume. You can however calculate the area of a square = length x width. Squares are also very useful in trigonometry.

However, you can calculate the volume of a cube (6 squares arranged edge to edge to form a box)

The volume of a cube = length x width x height

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A square is two dimentional and has an area (side X side = # of square inches) A square has no volume unless it is three dimentional, in which case, it would be a cube and not a square.

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Doesn't work. Square feet is a measure of area and cubic feet is a measure of volume.

What is the unit for the volume of a square?

A square only has area, not volume.

How Can you Work Out Volume?

For any square or rectangular object? Length x Width x Depth

Can you measure the volume of a square?

Volume of a square = length*width*height

What is the volume expression of a square?

The formula that expresses the volume of a square isV = 0 .A square is a 2-dimensional (flat) shape, so it has no volume.

Are is to square feet as volume is to...?

Area is to square feet as volume is to cubic feet.

How do you calculate volume of square?

A square has an area not a volume. Here are some equations for a cube and a square area of a square = length² volume of a cube = length³ Remember that units are very important.

How do you do in volume square?

With great difficulty. A volume is a cubic - or 3-dimensional - measure. So a volume square is a hyper-volume in 6-dimesional space.

What is the formula for volume for a square?

Volume is in 3D objects, so you should say volume for a cube. Area is for 2D objects, that is area for square. Volume for cube = side * side * side Area of square = side * side

How do you work out a square prism width and height when given volume and length?

Volume = Length x Width x Height. If the prism is square, then either Height = Width or Height = Length In the first case, Volume = Length x Width2 and so Width = sqrt(Volume/Length) and Height = Width. In the second case, Volume = Length2 x Width and so Width = Volume/Length2 and Height = Length.

What is the Volume of 25 square inches?

25 square inches is a measure of area and can't be converted to a volume.