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Buttons are used for bringing together your clothing. Also, buttons can be used for tighting up clothing, or any type of cloth.

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Q: What are buttons used for?
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Related questions

What was used before buttons?

they used buttons OF COURSE DUMMY

What could buttons be used for?

Buttons can be used for many different things. On clothing, buttons are used to close on opening. One remotes, buttons are used to change channels and adjust the volume.

When to use buttons for forms design?

Buttons can be used in HTML for the interactiveness. <button> tag can be used for placing buttons on web page.

What are toggle buttons in Excel?

Toggle buttons turn something on or off. Good examples are the Bold, Italic and Underline buttons. When they are on, their particular formatting is used and when they are off, that formatting is not used.

For what do you need polished buttons?

polished buttons are simply used for animal magnetism quest.

Which of these buttons are used to select more than one clip?

What buttons? Where? Please specify.

What was used before zippers?


What are sewing buttons generally used for?

Many sewing buttons are used to add personal style to clothing or to replace a button that had otherwise fallen off. Also, many people enjoy collecting buttons, and trading their favorites with other collectors.

How do you play cod4 on a PC?

figure out the buttons then get used to them

What is the infinity button used for?

Calculus doesn't have buttons.

What did people use before zippers?

They used buttons.

When were buttons first made?

Ahhh the fascinating world of buttons! Word is that they originated in ancient Rome as decorations for clothing, but actually working buttons were not used until the 1200's in Germany.