0.607 as a fraction can be expressed as 607/1000. This is because the decimal 0.607 can be written as 607 divided by 1000. To simplify this fraction, you can divide both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common factor, which in this case is 1. So, the simplified fraction for 0.607 is 607/1000.
To convert percents to fraction divide by 100 as for example 25% as a fraction is 25/100 = 1/4 in its simplest form.
12/1 what is the simplest form of a moron as a fraction
0.06 as a fraction in simplest form= 3/50
If its a fraction then we can change the numerators and denominators upside down .This is in case of fraction.
7.45 as a fraction in simplest form = 745/100 = 149/20
peter chch
It looks like its from New South Wales in Australia
The address of the Guernsey Branch Library is: 108 S. Wyoming Ave., Guernsey, 82214 0607
man,don't think about money,think about their music!
The address of the Sheridan County Public Library is: 801 Royal Avenue, Hoxie, 67740 0607
The address of the Classic Car Collection is: Po Box 607, Kearney, NE 68848-0607
United won that season... They won 3 titles in a row 06/07 - 08/09
The address of the Dennis Historical Society is: Po Box 607, South Dennis, MA 02660-0607
The address of the Leica Historical Society Of America is: Po Box 7607, Louisville, KY 40257-0607
The address of the Hartford-West Central Branch-Siouxland Libraries is: 705 E.Second, Hartford, 57033 0607
The address of the Museum In Miniature Foundation Inc is: Po Box 607, Fork Union, VA 23055-0607