7x-149x = 343
-142x = 343
Divide both sides of the equation by -142 to find the value of x:
x = -343/142 or -2.415492958 to nine decimal places
Check: -142*-2.415492958 = 343
x = 24
y is 12
7 x 49 = 343
7 x 7 x 7 = 343
x = 3.2140958497160386
There is an infinite number of pairs of multiplicands which yield the product 343, one of which is 1 x 343.
7 x 7 x 7 = 343
49 x 7
seven 7 x 7 x 7 = 49 x 7 = 63 + 280 = 343 = 7³
The math problem X3 times 64/334 equals 4/7. Getting this answer you will first have to find the value of X.
There are three solutions to that equation.The only one you care about is: x = 7 .
2 x 343 = 686
The factor pairs of 1029 are: 1 × 1029 3 × 343 7 × 147 21 × 49