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pretty sweet formula

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Q: What is Euler's calculus formula?
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Related questions

When was eulers formula discovered?

Euler published the formula, which relates complex exponentials to trigonometric functions in 1748. See related link.

What was Eulers motivation towards maths?

He discovered the all important Euler's Rule often referred to as Euler's Formula.

What has the author Kathrin Eulers written?

Kathrin Eulers has written: 'Frauen im Wahlrecht'

What was Eulers childhood like?


Does eulers rule work for a cone?


Which is harder - trig or calculus?

Opinion: Calculus is much harder, mostly because of it's complexity. Calculus requires much more formula memorization and ingenuity.

Differential calculus -the general power formula?

xx + sincos

What is the eulers angles?

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How do you derive formula for volume of a sphere?

If you're able to get around in Calculus, then that derivation is a nice exercise in triple integration with polar coordinates. If not, then you just have to accept the formula after others have derived it. Actually, the formula was known before calculus was invented/discovered. Archimedes used the method of exhaustion to find the formula.

What is the formula for derivatives?

this site has info/formulas about derivatives and limits:

Why is calculus interesting?

Calculus is interesting because it is incredible that human intelligence has discovered a way to solve a problem using a formula that can be repeated. Calculus is not necessarily about the numbers, but about the fact that we can apply rules and theories to numbers in a variety of situations.