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the diameter of the sun is about 400 times that of the moon, and it out-masses the moon by about 27 million times, they are both approximately the same apparent size in our sky.

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Q: What is the diameter of the Sun and Moon?
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How many moons can fit across the sun?

The Sun has about 400 times the diameter of the Moon.The Sun has about 400 times the diameter of the Moon.The Sun has about 400 times the diameter of the Moon.The Sun has about 400 times the diameter of the Moon.

How many times is the diameter of the moon smaller than than the diameter of the sun?

The diameter of the Moon is 0.273 times the diameter of the Earth.The diameter of the Sun is 109 times the diameter of the Earth. So:109/0.273=399.27The diameter of the Moon is almost 400 times smaller than the diameter of the Sun.Pwnt, idk u tell me?

What are the sizes of the moon and the sun?

Moon diameter: 14 158 mi sun diameter:864400 mi

How big is the Sun in comparison to the moon and earth?

The diameter of the sun is about 109 times the diameter of the earth,and about 400 times the diameter of the moon.

Which is smallest moon earth or sun?

Earth's moon is smaller than the Sun. Earth's moon has a diameter of about 3,474.8 kilometers, while the Sun has a diameter of about 1.4 million kilometers.

Is the angular diameter of the moon is smaller than that of the sun?

Yes, the angular diameter of the Moon is smaller than that of the Sun. The Moon's angular diameter varies between approximately 29 to 34 arcminutes, while the Sun's angular diameter is about 32 arcminutes on average.

Is the diameter of the sun greater than the diameter of the moon orbiting earth?

Yes. The sun is 1.3 million kilometers across. The moon is never more than a third of that distance from earth and the diameter of its orbit is just over half the sun's diameter. ========================================== The question is not exactly clear. You might be referring to "the moon which orbits Earth", or you could be referring to "the moon's orbit around the Earth". -- The moon's diameter is 3,475 km. The sun's is about 400 times as large. -- The diameter of the moon's orbit is 768,800 km. The sun's diameter is about 80% larger. If the Earth were at the center of the sun, the moon's orbit would be completely inside the sun, about 55% of the way to the surface.

What is the relative size and distance relationships among the sun earth and moon?

The sun is much larger and farther away from Earth compared to the moon. The sun is approximately 93 million miles away from Earth, while the moon is only about 238,855 miles away. The sun's diameter is about 109 times larger than Earth's, while the moon's diameter is about one-quarter of Earth's.

Do the sun and moon have the same angular diameter?

No, the sun and moon do not have the same angular diameter. The sun appears larger in the sky because it is much larger and closer to Earth than the moon. The sun's angular diameter is about 32 arcminutes, while the moon's angular diameter is about 31 arcminutes on average.

What is bigger the diameter of the sun or the distance between earth and moon?

The diameter of the Sun is much larger than the distance between the Earth and the Moon. The diameter of the Sun is about 1.4 million kilometers, while the average distance between the Earth and the Moon is about 384,400 kilometers.

Is the sun is bigger than a moon?

The sun's diameter is about 400 times as big as our moon's diameter, 108 times as big as the Earth's, and about 10 times the diameter of the biggest planet (Jupiter).

Is the moon as big as the sun?

No, the moon is much smaller than the sun. The sun is about 400 times larger in diameter than the moon.