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It is a continuous line whose shape depends upon what expression it is meant to represent.

The equation y = x would be a straight line passing through (0,0) and all the other points where the x and y co-ordinates were equal, including negative ones such as (-11,-11).

But if the equation has x squared in it the shape would be a parabola, while the graph of an equation with y cubed in it would have something like an S shape in it. More complex equations could produce many differently shaped lines.

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Q: What is the graph of a function when it has no gaps or holes?
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A function whose graph has no gaps or breaks?


How can you tell if a graph is a continuous function or a discrete function?

The graph of a continuous function will not have any 'breaks' or 'gaps' in it. You can draw it without lifting your pencil or pen. The graph of a discrete function will just be a set of lines.

What is the term for a function whose graph has no holes jumps or asymtopes?


What are the rules of continuity of a graph?

If you are looking at a graph and you want to know if a function is continuous, ask yourself this simple question: Can I trace the graph without lifting my pencil? If the answer is yes, then the function is continuous. That is, there should be no "jumps", "holes", or "asymptotes".

Is a corner continuous?

Yes, a corner is continuous, as long as you don't have to lift your pencil up then it is a continuous function. Continuous functions just have no breaks, gaps, or holes.

Is a circle graph a function?

No, a circle graph is never a function.

What is the zero of a function and how does it relate to the functions graph?

A zero of a function is a point at which the value of the function is zero. If you graph the function, it is a point at which the graph touches the x-axis.

Can a line be the graph of a function?

Yes the graph of a function can be a vertical or a horizontal line

Can a line be a graph of a function?

Yes the graph of a function can be a vertical or a horizontal line

How can you tell if a graph is a sine function or a cosine function?

sine graph will be formed at origine of graph and cosine graph is find on y-axise

How is the function differentiable in graph?

If the graph of the function is a continuous line then the function is differentiable. Also if the graph suddenly make a deviation at any point then the function is not differentiable at that point . The slope of a tangent at any point of the graph gives the derivative of the function at that point.

How can you tell if a graph is a function?

A graph is a function if every input (x-value) corresponds to only one output (y-value). One way to check for this is to perform the vertical line test: if a vertical line intersects the graph at more than one point, the graph is not a function.