1989 if their birthday is between Jan 1st & (today's date) July 20. If their birth year is 1989 & their birthday falls between July 21 & December 31, they are still 18 until their birthday.
Only if you want to be 22 more like :/
1989,1990, or 1991
In order to be 18 years old in 2010 AD, I would highly recommend being born in 1992.
If you had turned 16 years old in 2009, you were born in 1993, and would be 18 in 2011.
well a decade is 10 year so 2 decades will be 20 years
It is less than 2 years. 2 years is 730 days, or 731 days if one is a leap year.
If a person has already had their birthday this year (in 2011) then they were born in 1953.
As of December 2012, tht person would have been born in 1934.
2013 - 65 = 1948
If you are currently 41 years old and have not yet celebrated your birthday in 2010 you were born in 1968.
If the person is turning 22 in 2012 they were born in 1990. If they were already 22 in 2012 and will turn 23, they were born in 1989.
17 years before the year the question is asked. Example: Person in 2011: "What year should a person be born to be 17 years old?" ---> 2011 minus 17 equals 1994/// 2011-17=1994 So a person born in 1994 would be 17 years old in 2011. Birthdays near the end of a year however may throw off the formula. For example, if someone is born in December 1993, they would also be 17 years old in 2011. So the easiest way to find out which year would be to simply ask someone when they were born.
That privilege is not restricted to any single year. Anyone, no matter whenhe's born, can be 14 years old, if he's willing to wait long enough.For example, a person born in 1997 will turn 14 years old on his birthday in 2011.
Stop being lazy and subtract 70 from 2012
This is 2010, right now. If you've already had your birthday this year, then you are 31 if you were born in 1979. If you have not yet had your birthday this year, and you were born in 1978, then you would be 31.
In order to be 18 years old in 2010 AD, I would highly recommend being born in 1992.