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Q: When x is a positive number.the operation x2 and x2 both produce the same result is it true or false?
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Are the square roots of all positive integers are irrational?

It might seems like it, but actually no. Proof: sqrt(0) = 0 (0 is an integer, not a irrational number) sqrt(1) = 1 (1 is an integer, not irrational) sqrt(2) = irrational sqrt(3) = irrational sqrt(4) = 2 (integer) As you can see, there are more than 1 square root of a positive integer that yields an integer, not a irrational. While most of the sqrts give irrational numbers as answers, perfect squares will always give you an integer result. Note: 0 is not a positive integer. 0 is neither positive nor negative.

What are periodic functions?

A nonconstant function is called periodic if there exists a number that you can add to (or subtract from) the argument and get the same result. The smallest such positive number is called the period. That is, nonconstant function f(x) is periodic, if and only if f(x) = f(x + h) for some real h. The smallest positive such h is the period. For example, the sine function has period 2*pi, and the function g(x) := [x] - x has period 1.

What is the result of multiplying all figures from 0 to 25?

It will be zero, because zero is included in the set. Anything times zero is zero. I think the question you meant to ask is "What is the product of all figures from one to 25?". This is easy if you have a scientific calculator. The operation is 25 factorial, which looks like 25!. Find an exlamation point on your calculator, then enter it after you enter 25. The answer to 25! is 1.55E25.

Start with y square it and then multiply the result by 3 what expression do you get?


What is the range of fx equals 2x - 5?

Domain is the number of x values that can be used and not cause an imaginary result. Range is the number of the y values that result. In f(x)=2x-5 the range is all real numbers.

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It depends on the operation and values of the positive and negative. For example, in multiplication or division a positive and negative will be a negative. In addition or subtraction, it depends on the absolute value of the original numbers.

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What number can you square to get the answer -12?

There is no known number that can be squared and produce a negative number since if the number is positive, the result will be positive, and if it's negative the result will still be positive. Accordingly the square roots of negative numbers are normally expressed as a factor of "i" where i is the square root of -1. In that case the square root of -25 is 5i.

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The result is 0.

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The operation that will always have the result in value of 1 for any nonzero number is Inverse Operation of Multipication.