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This question makes no sense! Which are the x-values, and which are the y-values?

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Q: Which equation is satisfied by all three of the plotted points in order from x to y -4 -3 0 -1 4 1?
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Which equation is satisfied by all three of the plotted points in order from x to y 4 3 0 1 4 1?

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Take any two points and form the equation for a straight line. If all the remaining points satisfy the equation, then they lie on astraight line. Else, they don't. Here's an example. Consider n points as P1(x1, y1), P2(x2, y2), ...., Pn(xn, yn). In order to determine if P1, P2, ..., Pn lie on a straight line, form the straight line equation with P1 and P2 as: y-y1= m * (x - x1), where the slope m = (y2-y1)/(x2-x1). Then try to satisfy this equation by the remaining points P3, P4, ..., Pn. That is, verify the following: Is y3-y1= m * (x3 - x1)? Is y4-y1= m * (x4 - x1)? ... Is yn-y1= m * (xn - x1)? If all of the above is true, then the points lie on a straight line.