

Who is the father of modern maths?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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Q: Who is the father of modern maths?
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Probably the Chinese or the Indian's, especially brahmagupta

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Difference b/w Vedi math and modern math:- Vedic Maths is a bit difficult to learn as compared to Modern Maths. But with the right method and practice, you can easily learn it. After learning Vedic Maths, you can easily solve the difficult questions of Maths. Math questions are solved using short tricks in Vedic Maths. But in Modern Maths, Maths questions are solved in a normal way. There are many other benefits of Vedic Maths which are different from Modern Maths. But how you learned it? The best way is to use the right educational platform. I would advise you to choose Ziyyara because it is the only platform that provides live one-on-one classes to its students. This means only one child will study at a time So that all his concepts can be cleared. You can call them to know more about it and book a free demo. Contact Number:- +91-9654271931

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Sorry mate but I have no idea who it was, I think it was instine we all know he was a scientist but he also was an expert in maths , he used maths in his work and equations.

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Do you capitalize father of modern science?

No 'father of modern science' shouldn't be capitalized.