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pH is a logarithmic scale; because of the way calculus and maths works, graphing such a scale against a log results in a straight line.

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Q: Why is the graph of log against pH a straight line?
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What is the difference between a linear graph and a non-linear graph?

linear: LINE example--- line non-linear: not a LINE example--- parabola The other possibility is a graph with a non-linear scale. First a linear scale will have each unit represent the same amount, regardless of where you are on the scale. A semilog scale, has a linear scale in the horizontal direction, and a logarithmic scale in the vertical direction. Exponential functions (such as ex & 10x), will graph as a straight line on this type of graph scale). A logarithmic or log-log scale, has logarithmic scales on both horizontal and vertical axis. Power functions (such as sqrt(x), x2 and x3), graph as a straight line on these scales. See Related Link

When non-linear equation are graphed they do not have straight lines?

Not necessarily. It depends on the graph "paper" used. For example, you can get semi-log graph paper in which the x-axis is normal but the y-axis has a logarithmic scale. This feature is available on Excel in "format axis". On such a coordinate system, an exponential equation becomes a straight line.

What does a gradient of 0.5 show on a log log graph?

If y=xn, then log y =nlogx and n indicates the power in the power function. If one has a set of data [x,y] and if a plot of logy vs logx yields a straight line or one reasonably so, then the slope (gradient) of the line reveals the power relation between x and y

When you log transform a power function the resulting function is a straight line?

Yes, the resulting function is a straight line. This is the source:

Difference between normal graph paper and semi log graph paper?

A normal graph plot one variable against another. If one of these variable has a very rapid rate of growth it would quickly disappear off the graph. If you used a graph large enough to show the entire range you would lose much of the detail at the lower end. Using a log or semi-log graph reduces the rate of change whilst still allowing you to represent the relationship between the variables. You can see an example of log graph paper using the lnk in the related links section below.

What is a log graph?

A graph that shows the plotted course of a logarithmic expression.

y= log base b(x-h) +k?

The graph of log base b(x-h)+k has the following characteristics. the line x = h is a vertical asymptote; the domain is x>h, and the range is all real numbers; if b>1, the graph moves up to the right. of 0>b>1, the the graph moves down to the right.

Why you use semi-log graph over normal graph?

why would you use a semi-logarithmic graph instead of a linear one?what would the curve of the graph actually show?

What are the benefits of using a semi log graph?

semi log paper is very beneficial for us because when we get a big value of the experiment then we cannot put it easily to a general graph paper because we have to take more than two or three graph paper .so in semi log paper we can easily put the big value of the experiment because we know that log(1) when the value of log is greater than we can use it.

What is a semi-log graph used for?

A semi-log graph is used in plotting exponential graphs. It is used in graphing data with a very large range on one axis which does not follow a linear progression.

What are the four types of graph?

You can graph anything you like in any way you like. The important thing is that the information is conveyed effectively. One of my favourites gives information on losses suffered by Napoleon's army during his invasion of Russia. See link: