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First calculate the moles of each gas using their molar masses (H2S = 34 g/mol, CH4 = 16 g/mol, O2 = 32 g/mol). Then find the total moles in the mixture. Lastly, divide the moles of H2S by the total moles to get the mole fraction of H2S in the mixture.

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Q: What is the mole fraction of H2S in a mixture of gases made up of 7.0 g of H2S 10.0 g of CH4 and 12.0 g of O?
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Mole fraction is dimensionless. It's the amount of moles of species "A" divided by the total amount of moles in the mixture. So "mole A / mole total" equals "dimensionless". To add clarity in the use of mole fractions, one could add as "unit" mole A / mole "mixture".