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When you are recording the results of several separate objects, e.g., favorite fruit. You use a bar chart when graphing somthing with time. Ex: numbers and months. You use a line graph when graphing numbers with numbers.

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13y ago

To illustrate data in a way that can be more clearly understood (at a glance) than tabular form.

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You want to show frequencies as compared to total observations

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Q: A bar chart is used most often when?
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How is data often presented?

In a bar chart:)

When would you use a pie chart or bar chart?

A bar chart can be used to show comparisons and trends. A pie chart can be used to show fractions of a whole or percentages.

What is a bar chart used for?

A bar chart is a term for bar graph. A bar graph is a graph that has rectangular bars with different lengths representing what they stand for. They are used to compare categorical data.

What is the difference between in bar chart and gantt chart?

Although the terms are often used as synonyms they are not the same. A Gantt chart is a specific type of bar chart. Gantt did not invent the bar chart, the concept of bar charts pre-date Gantt's work by at least a century. The erroneous description of a bar chat as a Gantt chart and the belief that Gantt invented the bar chart probably results from the decision of Microsoft, in 1984/1985, to misname the bar chart view in its scheduling tool Microsoft Project as a Gantt chart. See 'Where did the Misuse of the names Gantt and PERT Originate?'. P Weaver. PM World Journal, Vol. II, Issue IV, (April 2013).

When is it appropriate to use a bar chart?

A bar chart is used when you have a standard column and a variable column, it is used to indicate the differences of the variable in each of the standard.

What are Five statistical diagrams used in mathematics?

pie chart, bar chart,

What chart is a type of chart used to show the relationship or proportion of parts to a whole?

A pie chart can be used to do this. You could also use a stacked bar chart.

Which quadrilateral has no lines of symmetry?

Differentiate between simple bar chart, multiple bar chart and component bar chart with examples

Is a bar chart the same as a bar graph?

Yes. Both names can be used.

What is used to compare sets of data in one chart?

You can use a stacked bar chart.

Why did the student draw a bar chart rather than a line graph?

Your best chance of getting the correct answer is to ask the student who drew the chart. The type of chart/graph that is best drawn depends upon the data being represented: If the chart is being used to show how data represents a fraction of a whole, a Pie chart would be used. If the chart is of discrete data, eg shoe sizes, a bar chart would be used. If the chart is of continuous data, eg the height of people, a line chart would be used. A pictogram is a version of the bar chart with the bars split up into icons which represent some kind of unit; eg for shoe sales of different styles a shop could use a shoe icon to represent 5 shoes with parts of a shoe icon representing 1-4 shoes sold. In business which of the bar chart and line graph is used depends upon what sort of information is required to be shown and to whom*. For factual information about different items a bar chart is often used (eg how much is sales per month), but if a trend is required a line graph can be used (eg how is sales per month changing). * The "to whom" bit is often the deciding factor - the choice of chart and how it is drawn can be used to great effect to enhance or hide certain aspects of the data.

Which type of graph would most effectively summarise a distribution of nominal data?

A pie or bar chart.A pie or bar chart.A pie or bar chart.A pie or bar chart.