They take your inputs (numbers and operations) and use digital logic circuits to combine them into the requested answer.
Calculators help us by giving us the answers to problems we don't understand or know.
Yes. You know, most computers have calculators on them. You don't need Wiki Answers for everything you're too dumb to know.
We use mechanical calculators so we can find out answers to division, multiplication, adding, and subtraction problem .
They are not considered valid. It is a simple algorithm based entirely on the letters in the names. Use different calculators and you will get totally different answers.
Rabbits don't carry calculators because they already know how to multiply.
no they don't, they give most of the answers but not all the correct ones
Usually yes these calculators are the most accurate to count the base payments and rates, but do not forget that you will have a lot of other fees and rates that are not included in those calculators. In order to get the best answers you need to see the specialist.
Calculators do not know the answer until you ask them for it; each time you request a result it works through the numbers and operations you have given it and returns one.
I don't know an exact year, but handheld calculators first appeared about 1973. Desktops were several years earlier.
They might round their fractions to different decimal places.
Calculators are used for solving calculations which are beyond normal reasoning
You know when you are giving inaccurate answers when you don't know the answer. If you believe you sort of know the answer, but don't really know it, chances are that you are giving inaccurate answers. It is up to you whether or not you know when you are giving inaccurate answers.