Calculators don't. Computers on the other hand can use various different software that follow mathematical command lines that signify to the software program what it has to do to the date following the command. Using these commands correctly you can build algorithms of numerical methods which then solve the continuous mathematical problem for you instead of having to do it by hand.
This is incredibly beneficial when you get into more complex algorithms in more complex continuous mathematics. For example solving fixed-point iterations are relatively simple for normal equations. However for systems of equations it gets rather more complex and it is much simpler to write an algorithm for a computer to solve the problem, rather than try to do all the calculations by hand.
computers, calculators
To know which numerical method to use for a problem one first needs to understand the various methods and evaluate the problems.
It means to use pencils and paper, rather than computers, or calculators.
Numerical Methods are used because of following reasons> 1. NO analytical solution of a problem exists. 2. Analytical solution exists but is difficult to find. 3. Due to use of computers, cumbersome calculations can be done easily and solution is reached in shorter duration of time.
Computers and calculators utilize the base 2 because it is easier to program binary numbers (base 2) into the computer than decimal numbers (base 10).
Computers (ussually windows based), calculators, printers, fingers, and toes to help their counting.
Tools that nutritionists use include computers, different types of calculators, and planners. Most of their tools are electronic or are computer programs and apps.
Non-parametric statistical methods.
During the life of Gregor Mendel (1822-1824) - any personal computer, etc. !
Calculators are no different than computers. The tiny chip use binary to come up with the anwer.