You calculate summary statistics: measures of the central tendency and dispersion (spread). The precise statistics would depend on the nature of the data set.
Data is just a set of random information without organization - Information is data that is organized in a way to make it useful and actionable.
The disadvantage is that the mean deviation of a set of data is always zero and so does not provide any useful information.
when there are extreme values in the data
data is set of action and ways to plan
Data can refer to a set of any kind of information, but data is the plural of the singular word datum. In a sentence: "We downloaded these data today."
data set
Statistics or data set
Data Set
No, data are qualitative or quantitative values belonging to a set of items, regardless of whether they are specific to the information you are seeking or not. Data is the plural of datum; a given value.
Answer: Knowledge
collection of information is called
Meta data is data that describes how and when and by whom a particular set of data was collected at that time. It is also stated that it is essential for understanding information stored in certain data warehouses.