

What is relative data?

Updated: 12/2/2022
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Q: What is relative data?
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When should relative frequencies be used when comparing two data sets?

When comparing large data sets.

What is mass of gold if relative density equals 19.3?

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What is a shaded bar that provides a visual cue about the value of a cell relative to other cells?

A shaded bar that provides a visual cue about the value of a cell relative to other cells is called a data bar. It is commonly used in data visualization to quickly convey the magnitude of a data point in comparison to others in the same dataset.

What is the difference between a frequency histogram and a relative frequency histogram?

Both divide the data into discrete groups or intervals. The frequency histogram gives the number of times the data occur in the particular group or interval, while the relative frequency histogram gives the fraction of times the data occur in the particular group or interval.

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Each wedge shows the relative size of a specific data item when compared to the whole data set.

Why are graphs important to scientific research?

Graphs show a visual quntification of scientific data. They allow one to see changes and relative elements of the data being plotted.

What is the mode of grouped and ungrouped data?

If you have calculated a histogram of your data, the mode is the interval with the highest relative frequency. If you have not created a histogram, and your dataset contains finite numbers (fixed decimal numbers), with some numbers repeating, then those numbers that repeat the most would be the mode. Otherwise, if you do not group your data, where you select an interval to calculate relative frequency, then a mode is not identifiable.

What are some methods of collecting data about local climate?

dew point relative humidity temperature all of the above

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It will determine the speed, reliability and relative security of the transmission.

How do you Speed Up Response Time through data Archiving?

Database archiving is a proven strategy that will archive rarely used data and provide easy access to data on demand. Basically, data is most valuable when it is created. As data ages, its relative value comes down. Such data can be archived to improve real time transactions.

What is the difference between a histogram and a pareto chart?

Both graphs are used to summarize data. Pareto chart is used to establish differences between different groups of data and will assign relative importance to the different groups of data. Histogram is a data distribution graph that will determine if the particular set of data is symmetric or not.