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Q: How do you delete ans on calculator?
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What is the ans button on your calculator?

answer. you can use it if you have long answer and need to do something to it.

How do you find 15 percent of 520?

If using a calculator type in 520 divided by 100 and multiplied by 15. Ans: 78 However if you are not using a calculator take 10% of 520, ans:52. Then half that, ans:26 and add the two together to get 78.

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20 percent of 40?

If using a calculator type in 40 divided by 100 and multiplied by 20. Ans: 8 However, if not using a calculator take 10% = 4 and multiply by 2. Ans:8

How do you program a calculator in UNIX using shell programming?

do( echo"welcome to calculator press x to exit" echo"enter 1st no:" read a echo"enter operator(+,-,*,/,%):" read o echo "enter 2nd no:" read b if["$o"="+"]; then ans=($a+$b); if["$o"="-"]; then ans=($a-$b); if["$o"="*"]; then ans=($a*$b); if["$o"="/"]; then ans=($a/$b); if["$o"="%"]; then ans=($a%$b); )while[$!='x'] echo "answer is:$ans"; done

How is present day calculator different from Leibniz's calculator?

difference between present day calculator and leibniz calculator

What number when divided by 8 the answer is 123456789?

ans is = 123456789*8 use calculator now

What does the calculator icon found on the desktop icon mean?

It is just the calculator application it is not a bug or a glitch, if you want to get rid of it delete the shortcut

What is 514214542 plus 333333333?

847547885 - without using a calculator !you should check this out ans, should be 847587875 again without calculator

How do you delete the history of a TI 84 calculator?

To delete the history of previous entries, first press 2ND MEM (above +). Then Choose option 3, "Clear Entries". Press ENTER until the calculator says "Done".

How do you close citizen ct-512 calculator?

/+*+%+check+2 times correct(delete)

How do you create a calculator using c that tells you if the answer to your problem is even or odd?

Well, you'd start by actually coding the calculator part, but at the end, you would test the answer with something like:if(ans % 2 == 0) {printf("%d is even.", ans);} else {printf("%d is odd.", ans);}The percent sign in the if test is the modulo operator. It returns the remainder of dividing the former argument by the latter argument.