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If by normalise you mean convert to decimal it will really depend on the number. Binary using a number scale of 2 which means when you have a number say 10 in binary this would be 1010. If we look at the a section of the binary scale it would look like this 32 16 8 4 2 1 which is 2^5 2^4 2^3 2^2 2^1 2^0 converting to binary you must start with the highest number you can put into binary, in this case it was 8 so we have one 8 so the next number that we have to try is 4 well 4 can't go into 2 with the outcome being a whole number so we have zero 4 next is 2 well two goes into 2 once so we have one 2 and we have 0 left so 1 goes into zero 0 times. Or you could use the scientific calculator on the computer

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