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Q: How do you write a Tip Calculator in code?
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Use you calculator wisely.

Code to develop a calculator in adobe flex?

here is the code for simple calculator in flex,[Bindable] private var _txt:Object;[Bindable] private var _choos:String;private function satu():void{txtLayar.text = txtLayar.text + '1';}private function dot():void{txtLayar.text = txtLayar.text + '.';}private function dua():void{txtLayar.text = txtLayar.text + '2';}private function tiga():void{txtLayar.text = txtLayar.text + '3';}private function empat():void{txtLayar.text = txtLayar.text + '4';}private function lima():void{txtLayar.text = txtLayar.text + '5';}private function enam():void{txtLayar.text = txtLayar.text + '6';}private function tujuh():void{txtLayar.text = txtLayar.text + '7';}private function lapan():void{txtLayar.text = txtLayar.text + '8';}private function sembilan():void{txtLayar.text = txtLayar.text + '9';}private function noll():void{txtLayar.text = txtLayar.text + '0';}private function clear():void{txtLayar.text = '';}private function sum():void{_txt = txtLayar.text;_choos = '1';txtLayar.text = '';}private function sub():void{_txt = txtLayar.text;_choos = '2';txtLayar.text = '';}private function mul():void{_txt = txtLayar.text;_choos = '3';txtLayar.text = '';}private function div():void{_txt = txtLayar.text;_choos = '4';txtLayar.text = '';}private function hasil():void{var txt2:Number = Number(txtLayar.text);var txt3:Number = Number(_txt);var has:Number;if(_choos=='1'){has = txt3 + txt2;}else if(_choos == '2'){has = txt3 - txt2;}else if(_choos == '3'){has = txt3 * txt2;}else if(_choos == '4'){has = txt3 / txt2;}txtLayar.text = has.toString();}]]>

What is the biggest number you can write on a calculator?

This will depend on the type of calculator you have. This will depend on the type of calculator you have.

What 258mulitipled by12?

the answer is 3096 I also have a tip for you, get a calculator if you have problems in math.

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What is the source code for scientific calculator in c?

What is the source code for scientific calculator in c?Read more: What_is_the_source_code_for_scientific_calculator_in_c

What three numbers look the same upside down?

basicly if you write five numbers together, two that are the same over but only have five numbers on your calculator and tip it upside down then you will be happy :) 9696 or 6969 tip it updi down then it is the same :) Thanks Pengbeargirls!

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How can you add two numbers in Linux?

There are calculator applications for the command line (bc), GUI (depends on your desktop UI), and also available if you write code or scripts.

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