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Air cannot be measured in square feet, please re-define this for a proper answer.

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βˆ™ 10y ago
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Q: How long would it take to exchange 1250 square feet of air using a fan that moves 90 cubic feet of air per minute?
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What is air flow and how is it measured?

Air flow is movement of air from one place to another, usually by fan. It is measured in 'cubic ft. of air' . A typical bathroom fan moves about 200 cubic ft of air per minute.

Is it better to have more or less cfm's when choosing a fan?

It is better to have more. CFM stands for Cubic Feet per Minute. The higher the CFM's, the more air it moves.

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The snail moves 0.3m per minute.

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Depends on the Cubic Feet per Minute of Air the unit moves. But typically 6 inches is good.

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Volume = pi*r2*h = 8*5 = 40 cubic inches

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the hour hand moves 30 degrees in every hour, the minute hand moves 6 degrees each minute Clocks hand moves 1/60 of a degree every minute1 hour = 60 minutes60 * 1/60 = 1The clocks hand move 1 degree an hour

How many degrees does the minute hand on a clock travel when it moves through one minute?

6 degrees.

How long does it take for the minute hand on a clock to move one degree?

On a normal 12-hour clock, the minute hand moves thru 360° in 1 hour, 360° in 60 minutes, or 6° every minute. In ten seconds, the minute hand moves 1°.

Which moves faster the hour or minutes hands?

Minute hand.

The hour hand moves than the minute hand?

Slower? less?

How do the hands move on the clocks?

The hour hand moves 30 degrees every hour, while the minute hand moves 6 degrees every minute. The second hand moves continuously, making a full rotation every 60 seconds.