A bushel is a unit of volume equivalent to 8 gallons. Therefore, 1 bushel is equal to 1.6 five-gallon buckets of beans. This calculation is based on the conversion factor of 1 bushel = 8 gallons and 1 gallon = 0.2 five-gallon buckets. So, 8 gallons ÷ 5 gallons = 1.6 five-gallon buckets.
There are approximately 48 three-gallon buckets in a cubic yard of soil.
There are approximately 8.70 gallons in a bushel, so you would need about 4.35 two-gallon buckets to hold a bushel of beans.
32-33, five(5) gallon buckets in one cubic yard or sand. ur welcome :P
To calculate the number of 5-gallon buckets of gravel in a cubic yard, we need to first determine the volume of a cubic yard. A cubic yard is equal to 27 cubic feet. Since there are 7.48 gallons in a cubic foot, a cubic yard is equivalent to 201.96 gallons. Therefore, there are approximately 40.39 (201.96 divided by 5) 5-gallon buckets of gravel in a cubic yard.
There is about four gallons of water in an average bucket of water.
1 yd³ = 201.97 gallons 403.94 ÷ 5 = 80.79 buckets
It depends on the bucket. Most commercially available buckets (galvanized tin [steel]) have often been equal to 2.5 gallons or 10 quarts. #10 buckets (or cans) [15 cups]are just under 1 gallon in size or 4 quarts and more commercially available today is 5 gallon (20 quart) plastic buckets. There is 16 cups per gallon so these various buckets hold 40 cups, 15 cups [#10 bucket] , and 80 cups volume. ** All measurements are using US liquid measure.
It takes about 7.5 pounds of peas to make a bushel of peas. This means that it takes about 1 1/2 five gallon buckets of peas to make a whole bushel of peas.
No mm equal a gallon. - Gallon is volume, mm is length.
1 gallon