convert milimeter to cubic feet
3 cubic feet = 84,950,539.8 cubic millimeters.
729,300,000 cubic millimeters = 25.75 cubic feet.
One yard is 3 feet. Therefore a cubic yard is 9 cubic feet. 2 cubic yards will cover 18 cubic feet of stone.
about 6 cubic feet
= 0,0148644864 m3
Square feet is length x width and is given in square feet. Cubic feet is length x width x depth and is given in cubic feet.
1 cubic yard covers 27/depth in feet square feet.
Stone can be measured in tons or yards. Actually yards refers to cubic yards. A cubic yard measures one yard by one yard by one yard (in feet, 3 x 3 x 3). When stone is in a pile, try to estimate the volume in cubic feet, then divide by 27 to get cubic yards.
5760 cubic feet of stone.
You can't convert those units. Milimeters of water (mmH2O) is a unit of pressure equal to about 13.6 mmHg. Cubic feet per minute is a measure of fluid flow.
Different types of stone have different densities and therefore different weights per cubic foot, rendering this question unanswerable unless you know the weight of the stone per cubic unit.