There are 100 ccf (hundred cubic feet) in 1 scf (single cubic foot).
ccf refers to cubic feet of gas. In this case, 1.5ccf is 150 cubic feet.
"CCF" means hundred cubic feet.
"CCF" means hundred cubic feet.
CCF stands for 100 cubic feet. It is a unit of measurement used for natural gas consumption. One CCF is equal to 100 cubic feet of natural gas.
Ccf stands for centum cubic feet and is a unit commonly used to measure natural gas volume. It is equivalent to 100 cubic feet of natural gas.
ccf refers to 100 cubic feet and hcf refers to highest common factor
Converting CFH to CCF is hard, and there are several online converters to improve this operation. However, the general rule of thumb for conversion is: 1 Therms (u's) to Cubic Feet Of Natural Gas = 99.9761.
hundred cubic feet (Ccf)
There are 88 CCF (hundred cubic feet) in 11,000 gallons.
1 MCF (mille cubic feet) = 1000 CF = 10 CCF (hundreds of cubic feet) 1 MCF = 28.317 m3
102,000 BTU = 1 ccf