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Fill the 1 gallon bucket and ignore the other.

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Q: How would you get 1 gallon from a 7 gallon bucket and a 1 gallon bucket?
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If you had a 5 gallon bucket and a 3 gallon bucket how would you get 4 gallons?

you fill the 3 gallon bucket into the 5 gallon bucket twice 2 *3 6 gallons but the 5 gallon will only overflow once it hits 5 gallons. You get the 1 gallon half in the 3 gallon bucket and dump the water out of the 5 gallon bucket. You pour the 1 gallon left from the 3 gallon bucket into the 5 gallon bucket and then refill the 3 gallon bucket and put the 3 gallons in making 4 gallons.

I have a bucket of water that holds 4 gallons of water and another that holds 7 gallons of water. The buckets have no markings. How can I go to the well and bring back exactly 5 gallons of water?

# Start with empty buckets, and carry them to the well. # (Note that the larger is the 7-gallon bucket, and the smaller is the 4-gallon bucket.) # Fill the 4-gallon bucket with water to the top. # Empty all the water from the 4-gallon bucket into the 7-gallon bucket. # (Note that there is room in the 7-gallon bucket for exactly 3 more gallons.) # Fill the 4-gallon bucket again. # Pour from the 4-gallon bucket into the 7-gallon bucket all the water that will fit, spilling none. # (Note that since there was room for only 3 more gallons in the 7-gallon bucket, you now have 1 gallon left in the 4-gallon bucket.) # Dump out all the water from the 7-gallon bucket. (Pour it back into the well or onto some flowers so it's not wasted.) # Pour the 1 gallon of water that remains in the 4-gallon bucket into the empty 7-gallon bucket. # Refill the 4-gallon bucket completely. # Pour all the 4 gallons from the 4-gallon bucket into the 7-gallon bucket. # (Note that since the 7-gallon bucket had 1 gallon already and you added 4 gallons, you now have 5 gallons of water in the 7-gallon bucket!) # Bring back your 7-gallon bucket that's holding exactly 5 gallons of water. (Bring your 4-gallon bucket back too, in case you want to play again!)

If I have a bucket of water that holds 4 gallons of water and another bucket that holds 7 gallons of water. The buckets have no markings. How can I go to the well and bring back exactly 5 gallons?

Fill the 4 gal bucket and empty it into the 7 gal bucket. Fill the 4 gal bucket and then fill the 7 gal bucket from the 4 gal. This leaves 1 Gallon in the 4 gallon bucket. Empty the 7 gallon bucket and pour the gallon from the 4 gal lbucket into it. Fill the 4 gal bucket and pour it into the 7 gal bucket. You then have 5 gallons in the 7 gallon bucket.

If you had a 7 gallon bucket and a 5 gallon bucket how would you get 1 gallons?

The notation below gives the amount of liquid (in gallons) in the 5 gallon bucket followed by the 7 gallon bucket.Fill 5G bucket (5, 0)Empty 5G into 7G (0, 5)Fill 5G again (5, 5)Pour as much as possible from 5G into 7G (3, 7)Empty 7G (3, 0)Pour from 5G to 7G (0, 3)Fill 5G again (5, 3)Pour as much as possible from 5G into 7G (1, 7)Done - you have 1 gallon in the 5G bucket.

How can you use a 3 and 5 gallon bucket to measure out exactly 7 gallons into a third container?

First, fill up the 5 gallon bucket. Then, pour the contents in the 5 gallon bucket into the 3 gallon bucket. This leaves 2 gallons left in the 5 gallon bucket. Pour the 2 gallons into the 3rd container. Now, fill the 5 gallon bucket again and pour the full 5 gallons into the 3rd container. This gives you 7 gallons.

If You need 4 gallons but only have 5 gallon and 7 gallon buckets how do you get 4 gallons?

fill the 7 gallon bucket, dump it into the 5 gallon bucket and save the remaining 2 gallons, repeat and you have 4 gallons.

Is 7 pints bigger than 1 gallon?

No. 8 pints = 1 gallon so 7 pints would be 7/8 of a gallon.

If you have a 7 gallon bucket and a 3 gallon bucket how can you get exactly 5 gallons of water?

7 bucket 3bucket 0 3 3 0 3 3 6 0 6 3 7 2 0 2 2 0 2 3 5 0

Is 7 pints bigger than 1 gallon or smaller?

7 pints are smaller than 1 gallon because 1 gallon is equal to 8 pints. So, 7 pints would be smaller than 1 gallon by 1 pint.

How do you precisely measure 6 liters of water if you only have one 7 liter and one 5 liter bucket?

# Fill the 5 liter bucket # Pour it into the 7 liter bucket # Fill the 5 liter bucket # Fill the 7 liter bucket from the 5 (2 liters go in leaving 3 liters in the 5 liter bucket) # Empty the 7 liter bucket # Pour the 3 liters from the 5 liter bucket into the 7 liter bucket # Fill the 5 liter bucket # Fill the 7 liter bucket from the 5 liter bucket (4 liters go in leaving 1 liter in the 5 liter bucket) # Empty the 7 liter bucket # Pour the 1 liter form the 5 liter bucket into the 7 liter bucket # fill the 5 liter bucket. You now have 5 liters in the 5 liter bucket and 1 liter in the 7 liter bucket; 6 liters in all. Pour the 5 liters into the 7 liter bucket if you want all 6 liters in one container.

28 gallons equals how many quarts?

7 gal 1 gallon = 4 quarts 1 quart = 0.25 gallon

If you have a 4 gallon jug and a 7 gallon jug and there are no markings on either cup Figure out how to get 5 gallons?

1. Fill 4 gallon bottle 2. Pour IT into the 7-gallon bottle 3. Fill 4 gallon again, and pour IT into 7 gallon (leaves 1 gallon in 4 gallon bottle) 4. Empty 7 gallon 5. Pour the 1 gallon into the 7-gallon 6. Fill 4 gallon 7. Pour IT into the 7 gallon You now have 5 gallons in the 7-gallon bottle.